Dr. Dish

M14Hoops | Training | Dr. Dish

Dr. Dish Reservation Information:

  • Shooting machine rentals are for children only; no adults.
  • Reservations are made online not through a staff member.
  • Parents do not need permission before booking.
  • Full payment must be made at the time of reservation.
  • Parents can reserve as many time slots as they would like.
  • There is no increase in rate for more than one player using the machine. We will not be putting rental groups together but you can bring a friend(s)!
  • Please check in at the front desk so we can direct you the correct court of your reservation.
  • The times shown are the only times available.
  • We do not offer a multiple rental discount.  The fee is the same no matter how many times you rent.
  • Players do not have to train with M14Hoops to rent our shooting machines.
  • Players must bring their own basketballs.
  • Each rental is 60 minutes.

Shooting Rental Fee:

$35 - 1 Hour 

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