Seasonal Information
Summer Season Preview
Summer SSAP Start Date: June 5th, 2023
Summer SSAP End Date: July 20th, 2023
Program Length: 7 Weeks (13 Total Sessions)
SSAP FEE: $300 For Entire Summer
In the summer, we understand that players are busy with summer basketball and family events. For this reason, we offer a flexible class structure that allows for parents to select the times and days they would like their player to attend workouts each week! We offer a multitude of options that makes SSAP available to ALL athletes!
Fall Season Preview
Fall SSAP Start Date: August 6th, 2023
Fall SSAP End Date: October 27th, 2023
Program Length: 12 Weeks (24 Total Sessions)
Fall SSAP FEE: $200 Per Month (10% Discount For ATP Participants)
In the fall, M14Strength is prepping for the most important time of year! High school and middle school basketball season are right around the corner, making it the perfect time for players to prep their body for the upcoming season! We offer a multitude of options that makes SSAP available to ALL athletes!
Winter Season Preview
Winter SSAP Start Date: TBD
Winter SSAP End Date: TBD
Winter Program Length: TBD
Winter Program Fee: TBD
In the winter, M14Strength has switched gears towards optimizing player potential! High school and middle school basketball season have begun, making it essential for players to perform at their best on the court! We offer a multitude of options that makes SSAP available to ALL athletes!