Winter Performance Camp

M14Hoops | Camps & Clinics | Winter Camps & Clinics | Winter Performance Camp

We have an awesome selection of Performance Camps for this Winter Break! Scroll down to read a brief description of each camp.

Winter Performance CAMPs OVERVIEW

  • Registration is open!
  • Open to any and all boys & girls , grades 3rd-8th
  • Players do not need to be evaluated to participate
  • Winter camps are 3 days during the same week
  • Camp times are 1230a-130p
  • 10:1 player-to-coach ratio
  • Groups are divided by grade level, gender and talent
  • Registration opens Oct. 15th
  • Early registration is encouraged, we do anticipate selling out!


CAMP FEE - $100 per Camp

Registration Deadline December 17th - $25 Late Registration Fee

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Date: December 27th, 28th, 29th
Time: 12:30p-1:30p

Overview: The ability to stop, go, and change direction at a high level are attributes all athletes need to have.  At this camp, players will learn proper running mechanics that will help them accelerate and get off the line. Players will also be exposed to drills that will challenge them to come to a complete stop and transfer their movement into another direction. No matter what sport you play, being able to get up to top speed quickly, then stopping suddenly and making a quick cut can make the difference between scoring or not!

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Date: January 3rd, 4th, 5th
Time: 12:30p-1:30p

Overview: This camp will address your player’s ability to not only get off the ground, but be able to jump multiple times quickly (like when rebounding!). Basketball is a sport based around who can get up into the air and grab the ball before their opponent. In this class players will learn not only how to jump but also how to land properly to keep them safe as they return to the ground. Jumping is all about creating force in the body and transferring it through the ground. The best way to develop force is developing strength. Players will strengthen the muscles that are needed to developing explosive hops!